Here's a quick gift you can knock out with a day or so notice. The pattern comes from Bubble Leg Monster on Craftbits. I did not design this, but I did read a few comments from people having trouble with the pattern, and thought I'd rewrite it to be a little easier to read. I've also tried to cut down on some of the sewing as well.

HORNS (make 2)
  1. 6 sc in magic circle
  2. Sc around. Finish with long tail to sew to head later

ARMS (make 2)
  1. 6 sc in magic circle (6)
  2. Inc around (12)
  3. *Inc, 2 sc* around (16st)
  4. - 8. Sc around (16)
  5. *Dec, 6sc* around (14)
  6. - 12. Sc around (14)
  7. *Dec, 5sc* around (12)
  8. - 18. Sc around (12) Finish and end with long tail to sew to body later. Only stuff tips of hands.

EYE CIRCLE (make one in secondary colour)
  1. Chain 4, ss into first chain to make a loop.
  2. Chain 3 and make 13 tc into circle. SS into 3rd st of the chain to join. End with long thread to sew to face later.

LEGS (make 2)
  1. 6 sc in magic circle with secondary colour (6)
  2. Inc around (12)
  3. Inc around (24)
  4. - 6. Sc around (24)
  5. Change colour to main colour, Sc around (24) (alternate colour every round)
  6. Sc around (24)
  7. *Dec, 4sc* around (20)
  8. -12. Sc around (20)
  9. *Dec, 3sc* around (16) Stuff feet
  10. - 17. Sc around (16)
  11. *Dec, 2sc* around (12)
  12. - 22. Sc around (12)
  13. Switch to main colour only for these last two rounds Sc around (12)
  14. Sc around (12) FO (first leg only)
Hide ends inside leg. Leave the last inch of the leg unstuffed. Do not cut yarn on second leg!

Arrange legs how you want them to sit.
  1. Ch 1. Crochet 3 sc on the second leg where yarn is still attached, in the direction of the first leg (turn first if you need to). Ch 1, turn.
  2. 3 sc. Ch 1, turn.
  3. Align legs together.
  4. 3sc through the loops of the row you just made and the corresponding sc on the first leg, joining the two.
  5. Place marker and sc around the outside of both legs (including the edges of the 3 sc you just did). (24)
If all that is too complicated, you'll need to make a gusset piece before crocheting the second leg. Using your main colour, chain 4, sc in 2nd chain from hook, sc across (3). Ch 1, sc aross. (3). Leave long tails to sew onto legs. Continue from step 5 above.
  1. *Inc, 3sc* around (30)
  2. *Inc, 2sc* around (40)
  3. - 12. Sc around (40)
  4. *Dec, 8sc* around (36)
  5. - 18. Sc around (36) Add face. Take eye circle and poke safety eye through middle and then poke the safety eye through the body before fixing on the back. Fix on other safety eye and sew a straight line for the mouth. Stuff body.
  6. *Dec, 4sc* around (30)
  7. *Dec, 4sc* around (25)
  8. *Dec, 3sc* around (20)
  9. Dec around (10)
  10. Dec around (5) FO, hide ends in body.

I skipped the horns for mine, but used my "special" yarn, as it was a gift for under Kmart's Wishing Tree.