You may have noticed I didn't post last week. I've been feeling a little like that kitten, and there is still commissions and holiday gifts to hook up, so I've decided to give the blogging a break for the Xmas period. I'll be back here early next year, but I'll still be active on our Facebook page, with Flash Game Friday, Showcase Sunday, and sneak peeks of upcoming projects and things.

I'll be updating the store soon too, as soon as I get a minute to myself with good lighting (Seriously sun, you don't have to hide as soon as December starts and Summer officially begins you know!) so there will be new goodies to snaffle there.

If you have a project you'd like to see done, or something you'd like me to share, or a game you'd like to play (guess what I'm hooking was popular) contact me via Facebook, and I'll do my best to help you out. Hopefully at some point over the holidays I'll build my post buffer back up again, and gaps like these won't happen when I get busy.

Have a great holidays everyone, and, provided the Mayans were wrong, I'll see you all back here next year :D