What's that? You've never heard of Color Me Katie? Well, go over there right now and check her out. Everyone's life can be made better by reading that blog, I'm sure of it. Every time she posts, it cheers my day just a little. And I wish I had that sort of impact. To make even just one tiny part of the world brighter by doing something a little silly.

So I decided that was my resolution for this blog this year. At least once a month, I will do something, and blog about it, as if I were Color Me Katie. Because if everyone did that, the world would be a much more fun place, and everyone would smile more.

I thought it was very appropriate to start this series off with an homage to my favourite CMK post, the Chalk Walk. It was the first post I read of her blog, though it soon lead me to devour the archives, and I'll always have a soft spot for it. I want to stress, that I won't always be doing a direct copy of ideas like this for this series, but some things are too good not to share you know?

I grabbed a rainbow of chalk, and free handed a trail of shoe prints along the cement walkway at the caravan park we stayed at on our holiday. (I did ask permission to draw on the ground from the owners, who were fine with it as long as it stayed on the ground - the kids were quiet for hours drawing pictures in "our yard")

Master Three had a ball walking up and down the path, as did Miss Six, way off in the background.

And so did everyone else walking past. Grown ups and children alike followed the path, and I saw one teenager leap from print to print - some I had spaced further apart deliberately for that reason. Lots of smiles all around.