Firstly, I want to apologise for missing the last three posts. The scavenger hunt, combined with building up stock for sale, and a few presents left me so breathless it completely escaped me. All the more reason to get a buffer back up I guess. I've got a few cute things I'm dying to share, but can't because they are for a swap, and a new design I'm working on that is almost done - I hope to share that with you later this week.

So, this is one of the things I've been getting up to while MIA - a cute owl phone case based on my own phone cozy. I'm not that big on owls personally, but I still think it looks cute. Perhaps if it sells well I will make more - oooh, maybe a dragon one!

And to make up for being missing... (thanks to QuirkieCraft who stole it from someone in turn)

The first three people to comment on this post will receive a little gift - something personal from me to you. Within 2 months I'll create something unique to share with the first three people to comment on this post. But in order to receive your present you have to play along.

Spread the love on your own blog promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post. You get 72 hours to re-post, or I'll have to move on to the next person. Please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward. If you want to receive something unique from me in the mail and if you are willing to do the same for others, leave a comment below!

Please leave your email address so that I can contact you directly! And blog URL so that I and others can visit your blog! Again, I want to emphasize that please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward. Nobody likes a taker.

Who's down for paying it forward craft style?